VESPA Tutorials
Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access
Solar System Virtual Observatory Hands-on Sessions
Aims and Scope
The solar and planetary sciences Virtual Observatory is in its growing phase. It is time to spread the tools to the community in order to collect user experience, as well as gain new users. Various tools have been developed in the frame EU-FP7 projects (Europlanet, HELIO, IMPEx...) We propose a hands-on workshop where the participant will select and work on one or two tutorial among a proposed list. The aim of this workshop is three-fold: train the community, attract new users, and collect user comments in order to enhance the user experience.
The teams of the EC FP7 projects EuroPlaNet-RI/IDIS, HELIO and IMPEx as well as the IMCCE, an institute of Paris Observatory, have developed specific tools for the Planetary Virtual Observatory. In the framework of the project "Promoting the Planetary Virtual Observatory", funded by CNRS/LPP, the aforementioned teams have prepared several videos to illustrate how to use theses tools via different science cases.
In the Europlanet-RI-H2020 proposal, the VESPA tutorials are part of the description of work.
A few presentations of the various projects and tools will be briefly presented.
These workshops offer to participants the possibility to visualize these demonstration videos, which are illustrating the tutorials. The participant will have to bring their own laptops to do the tutorials. Several persons (from the Programme and Organization Committees) will be present to help the participant.